La Cabra scouting by Allout Cycling

Are you planning to take part in the Lo Cabrit, La Cabra or Lo Flamenc distance? Do you want to get to know the terrain before starting the adventure? How about doing it together with other participants who have the same challenge as you?

At La Garba we have prepared a weekend of pure cycling through our territory so that you can get to know the terrain first hand, and so that you can plan in detail your outing for the 23st of March!


2th March 2024
L’Ampolla – Vallderoures (129km and +2.320m)

09:00 – Departure from l’Ampolla (in front of Pabellón Municipal) 

Recovery Station during the route (Bot) by Allout Cycling

20:30 – Joint dinner in Vallderoures

3th March 2024
Vallderoures – L’Ampolla (110km and +1.650d)

08:00 – Departure from Vallderoures (from in front of the Hotel Querol)

Recovery Station during the route (Mont Caro) by Allout Cycling

Registration is free and exclusive for those already registered for the La Gabra2024 event.

You will find information about accommodation when you register. 

Join us for this special weekend and enjoy the opportunity to learn more about the Lo Cabrit, La Cabra and Lo Flamenc route with people with the same interests as you: cycling and adventure!


-It will go in a group waiting for everyone.
-There will be no assistance vehicles. Bikepacking and self-sufficiency.
-Saturday night we will try to have dinner together at the same restaurant. No matter where everyone sleeps.

We hope to see you all at this scouting!

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